Book: Tom Sawyer. Primary readers. Level 5. CD/ CD-Rom included.
Книга и интерактивная версия книги на CD полностью на английском языке (оригинал).
Through the eyes of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain introduces us to the fantastic world of childhood.
During their adventures around the Mississippi River Tom and his friend Huckleberry find out a lot about the real world of adults - emotions and superstitions, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery.
ГлазамиТома Сойера, Марк Твенвводит нас всказочный мирдетства.
Во времясвоихприключенийвокругреки МиссисипиТом иего другГекльберриузнают многоео реальноммире взрослых-эмоции исуеверия, убийства иместь, голоди рабство.
Use of basic grammatical structures and limited vocabulary
Glossy detailed illustrations on each page
Simple activities and a picture glossary every four pages
Fully dramatised version of the story and picture glossary on Audio CD / CD-ROM