Book: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Primary readers. Level 4. CD/ CD-Rom included.
Книга и интерактивная версия книги на CD полностью на английском языке (оригинал).
Ali Baba discovers the forty thieves' treasure by chance and becomes very rich. However, he will find himself in trouble more than once when the thieves come back for their riches...
Read on to see how he will manage to outsmart all his enemies.
Али-Бабаслучайно узнаето сокровищахсорока разбойниковистановится очень богатым.Тем не менее,у него не раз будут проблемы, когдаразбойникивернутсязасвоим богатством...
Читайте дальше, чтобыпосмотреть, какон сумеетперехитритьвсех своих врагов.
Use of basic grammatical structures and limited vocabulary
Glossy detailed illustrations on each page
Simple activities and a picture glossary every four pages
Fully dramatised version of the story and picture glossary on Audio CD / CD-ROM